Dog Has Diarrhea? Causes, Treatment and Fast Home Remedy

Causes of dog diarrhea can be as simple to treat as a food change.

Diarrhea is a common issue for dogs, and can be something as simple as a food change. If you have recently changed your dog’s diet to one that is not low-fat, the diarrhea may be an indication of excess fat in the diet. You may want to try another food or simply add some of your dog’s regular diet back into their new food until they get used to it, or there could be another reason for the diarrhea.

It’s also important to note that dogs with certain health issues or those taking certain medications are more prone to diarrhea. Some medications can cause diarrhea because they irritate the gastrointestinal tract, so make sure your veterinarian knows if your dog has any pre-existing conditions before prescribing any new medications.

If your dog has diarrhea, try a fast remedy before you go to the vet.

If your dog has diarrhea, try a fast remedy before you go to the vet. If a dog suddenly develops diarrhea, it is difficult to determine if it's serious or not. It may be caused by a number of things such as changes in diet, contaminated water or food that has gone bad. Some dogs are also highly sensitive to certain kinds of treats and human foods.

Although most cases of loose stools can be treated at home with one of the many effective remedies for dog diarrhea, it is always advisable to take your pet to the vet if he doesn't show signs of recovery within 24 hours (or sooner if you have concerns about his condition).

You might have to change your dog's diet or treats if he has diarrhea.

As dog owners, we want our pups to be fed well. We want them to have treats, too. But sometimes it can lead to diarrhea or other digestive issues that are uncomfortable for your dog and messy for you as well.

Treating your dog for diarrhea starts with identifying the cause. If you've recently changed foods or added new treats, try going back to the old food and removing the new treats to see if this helps. If it does, discontinue the changes and stick to what was working before. If not, keep reading through these tips so you can help fix Fido's tummy troubles!

Giving your dog plain yogurt can help with his digestion.

It's also easy to recognize signs when your dog is constipated, which can occur for reasons such as dehydration or not eating enough fiber. If he straining to poo, hasn't pooped in several days (or if you see blood or mucus in his poop) then it’s time to take action. Luckily, this condition has an easy fix: a little bit of yogurt. It contains plenty of good bacteria that help with digestion, which makes it a great treatment for diarrhea and constipation alike. This also helps dogs with lactose intolerance because the sugar is being broken down by the probiotics. Note: be sure to use plain yogurt without sugar or artificial sweeteners added in!

Home remedies aren't always enough for dogs who have diarrhea.

The information below will help you decide if your dog needs to see a vet.

The following conditions may need to be treated by a veterinarian:

  • Puppies and very old dogs are at risk of dehydration during diarrhea. If the diarrhea is severe, take your dog to the vet for an exam and treatment.

  • Diarrhea with blood in it (red or black). If your dog has bloody stool it may not be safe to wait until morning when the vet's office opens. Take your dog to the emergency clinic immediately. Do not give any food or water but do offer small amounts of Pedialyte or Gatorade (no red colored sports drinks) by dropping a few drops on your fingers and letting him lick it off.

  • Diarrhea that continues after home care has been given for 12-24 hours is cause for concern, especially if it seems to get worse instead of better. Consult with a veterinarian at this point even if there are no other symptoms present so you can get advice on what tests might need to be done and what treatment should be started.

  • In some cases, diarrheal disease can lead to illness involving other systems in the body including liver disease, pancreatitis, kidney problems, lung infections, brain disorders and more—all requiring veterinary attention as soon as possible. For this reason we always recommend working with your vet as soon as possible in cases of diarrheal disease for any age dog whether he seems ill or not since early intervention can make all the difference in outcome!

If your dog continues to have diarrhea, take him to the vet for a checkup.

While some cases of diarrhea can be treated at home, others may require a trip to the vet. It's important to have your dog examined by a veterinarian if you are unable to get his illness under control with home remedies or if he is showing signs of dehydration. Your vet will want to rule out any underlying causes for the diarrhea, including bacterial infections and parasites. She may prescribe medication such as antibiotics or anti-diarrhea medications. If your dog has become severely dehydrated due to the diarrhea, she may need to remain at the vet’s office for an IV drip until she is stable again.

Dogs with diarrhea need special care and treatment

When your dog has diarrhea, it's important to observe their fecal matter. Diarrhea is often caused by a food change or infection. If you notice that the diarrhea is accompanied by mucus and blood, it might be an emergency situation that requires immediate care from your veterinarian.

If your dog does not have blood or mucus in their stool and appears to be otherwise normal, you can use at-home remedies such as Bland Diet to help treat the symptoms of diarrhea and wait for the effect of the remedy to take place. Bland diet may include rice, chicken breast (or any other simple meat) and cooked vegetables such as carrots or squash.

You should also know what type of food works best for dogs with sensitive stomachs or chronic cases of diarrhea. For example, Yumwoof Perfect Dog Food Mix works well as they are easy on the gut when given in small amounts every few hours during treatment.

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