What Essential Oils Are Safe for Dogs?

Essential oils are very popular for a variety of uses, but what about dogs? Can you use essential oils with your canine companion? The answer is yes (and no). In this article we'll discuss which essential oils are safe to use around dogs as well as which ones should be avoided. We'll also take a look at some ways you can use essential oils to improve the health of your dog and even some common household items that act as natural flea repellents!

List of essential oils safe for dogs

  • Lemongrass: This essential oil has an anti-inflammatory effect and is used to treat respiratory issues such as coughs, colds and lung congestion. It's also great for soothing irritated skin conditions.

  • Lavender: Lavender oil has a relaxing scent that helps calm your dog down when he's feeling anxious or stressed out. It can also help relieve muscle pain or inflammation, which makes it useful for dogs who suffer from arthritis or aches due to aging joints.

  • Peppermint: This strong-smelling oil is often used in aromatherapy to relieve nausea, vomiting and stomach discomfort caused by indigestion (gas). It also has antibacterial properties that can help clear up infections like ear mites or skin rashes on your dog’s body parts such as the paws or tail area when applied topically once daily for three weeks straight after bathing with soap & water thoroughly—but keep in mind this method only works if you don't wash off any remaining residue left behind!

  • Tea tree: Tea Tree Oil (TTO) contains powerful antiseptic properties that make it effective as a topical treatment against bacterial infections on both humans & animals alike; however don't use this oil directly on open wounds since it could cause further irritation instead of relieving pain since its chemical composition includes phenols which aren't compatible with human tissue cells either."

Essential Oils to Use With Caution.

For example, you should use essential oils with caution when they're applied to broken skin or surgical wounds. You should also be careful not to apply them directly onto the eyes, nose and mouth. In addition, there are some essential oils that you shouldn't use at all if you have a dog:

  • Bergamot

  • Cinnamon

  • Clove

  • Lemongrass

  • Wintergreen

Can you diffuse essential oils around dogs?

Diffusing essential oils with your dog in the room is generally not recommended. In order to provide you with a safe and comfortable environment, it's best to diffuse essential oils in a room that your dog does not share. If you choose to diffuse near your dog, make sure that:

  • The room is well-ventilated

  • You do not diffuse near your dog's face or water bowl

5 Ways to use safe essential oils with dogs.

  • Diffuser: This is one of the safest ways to use essential oils with your dog. A diffuser will allow you to disperse the oil throughout the air and let it do its magic without having to worry about getting any on yourself or your pup.

  • Carrier Oil: Another way to use essential oils with dogs is by mixing them into carrier oils like coconut or olive oil. You'll want to dilute your chosen blend of EOs so that they're safe when applied topically, but still potent enough for flavor enhancement, aromatherapy, etc.

  • Topically: Dogs have much more sensitive skin than humans do and shouldn't be bathed in undiluted essential oils—but did you know that if you add water into the mix first (or even just mix it in with their regular shampoo), then you can use them safely on his fur? Just make sure not too get any on his face because he won't like getting some in his eyes! Also remember never give lavender-based blends internally as it's toxic for dogs!

You can use essential oils to help improve your dog's health.

Essential oils have been used for thousands of years to improve the health of both humans and animals. They can be used to help relieve pain, inflammation, anxiety and stress. Essential oils also have antimicrobial properties that can kill germs and bugs on your dog’s skin or in its lungs. Aromatherapy is a form of alternative medicine that uses essential oils to improve your mood, reduce anxiety and improve sleep quality.

Some examples of common essential oils you can use on dogs include:

  • Lavender oil – This oil helps reduce stress levels by calming them down so they feel less anxious

  • Peppermint oil – This oil has a cooling effect that helps relieve sore muscles or joints in your dog’s neck after playing too hard at the park!

  • Rosemary essential oil – Rosemary can be used as an insect repellant by rubbing it into your dog's coat before going outside for a walk in the woods during summertime (for example). It also promotes hair growth so if you're worried about bald spots appearing from scratching due to allergies or other reasons then rubbing some rosemary onto those areas will help prevent further damage from occurring!


The important thing to remember when using essential oils is to use caution. If you notice any negative reactions, stop using the oil immediately and call a vet. Also, make sure your dog's health is in good shape before using any new product or supplement on them.

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