5-Step Cocomega™ Superfat Plan For a 36% Longer Life

How thousands of dog parents are activating The Cocomega Effectwithin their canine companion - living longer, happier, and healthier lives without medication in just 21 days (or less)...

Written by Jaron Lukas, Author of The Canine Cocomega Effect

Good, Bad, Ugly, and Superfats: Simplified

Dietary fats have long been considered a controversial topic in the nutrition space. Leading veterinarians warn dog parents that not all fats are created equal...

By consuming the right balance of beneficial fat, while avoiding the inflammatory-fats in your current dog chow, you'll notice undeniable health benefits in weeks.

When you're striving to drastically improve your dogs wellbeing, there's one key factor that can yield tail-wagging results over all others - choosing the right fat. 

  • Good fats are animal fats from prey meat, which is biologically appropriate to canines according to clinical data. Given dogs carnivorous ancestry, it's no surprise that animal fats are good for dogs, as a source of essential fatty-acids.
  • Bad fats are highly-processed seed oils such as sunflower oil, safflower oil, and canola oil. They promote an imbalance in the gut microbiome, called dysbiosis. Linked to a number of health issues, they're the culprit in commercial dog food.
  • Ugly fats are seed oils when subjected to high heat during the dry kibble cooking process. Think of what happens to metal when it rusts, undergoing the oxidation process. It's super toxic, no matter how "all-natural" the brand claims to be. 
  • Superfats are non-animal sources of fat not obtainable from prey meat. New breakthrough clinical research now indicates they are exactly what your furry friend is fiending for. It's mutt magic - eliminating chronic inflammation instantly!

Dog parents across the nation are starting to wake up to the dangers of chronic inflammation, and how it's the root cause of 80% of all dog health related issues...

When your dog senses an injury or infection, it "sounds the alarm" for an inflammatory response, to help repair the damage and repel the threats, keeping intruders away.

This is a completely normal and necessary process. However, if inflammation becomes too persistent over long time periods of time, it severely wears down their body.

Given that a dogs microbiome resides primarily in the digestive tract, it makes sense this is where inflammation originates. Thus, gut inflammation is a major issue for dogs.

There's a visceral reaction occurring within your dog after eating - when attempting to properly digest the toxic and rancid fats found in 99.9% of dry kibble or fresh dog food.

This is primarily due to their cheap filler ingredients, where corporate interests begin profiting at the expense of ignorant consumers - luckily, you're no longer one of them...

Only when trusting in your mutts gut, and letting their nose be thy navigation, you'll be on the right path when hunting for the nutritional "needle-in-the-haystack".

The Cocomega Effect™ Explained

The Cocomega Effect is like a symphony. When different superfats work together in synergy, their impacts are amplified. Coconut oil becomes the conductor, leading the other superfats in a glorious orchestra acting in unison towards health and well-being.

  • Coconut oil is a type of superfat that is rich in medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs). MCTs are easily digested and absorbed by the body, reducing aging.
  • Salmon oil is another type of superfat that is rich in DHA form of omega-3 fatty acids. Its protective properties reduce inflammation throughout the body.
  • Flaxseed oil is a third type of plant-based superfat which is rich in ALA form of omega-3 fatty acids. It helps your dog build immunity to allergens.
  • Fish Oil is a fourth type of superfat that are rich in EPA form of omega-3 fatty acids. It keeps your dogs heart beating like a well oiled engine.
  • Bonus: Fiber is a carbohydrate with superfat properties, offering the only natural way to obtain the essential short-chain-fatty-acids (SCFAs) without supplementing. It is scientifically-proven to promote a healthy gut microbiome for every breed.

Only when combined together, these all-natural superfats offer a safe and effective alternative to many harsh drugs often prescribed to dogs in decline. This vet-approved anti-inflammatory diet ensures your furry friend will live longer, happier and healthier: 

  • Boosting your dog's immune system,
  • Elevating their mood and energy levels,
  • Reducing joint pain and muscle tension,
  • Improving their skin, gut, and coat health,
  • And helping your dog lose weight and maintain a healthy size.

Step 1: Achieve a 1:1 Protein-To-Fat Balance

If you want your dog to have a healthy gut, you need to feed them a diet that is high in protein and fat. The ideal protein-to-fat ratio for dogs is 1:1. This means that for every gram of protein in your dog's food, they should be getting 1 gram of fat.

Superfats heal the gut. Thus, omega-3 fatty acids are essential for gut health. They help to reduce inflammation, protect the lining of the gut, and promote the growth of healthy bacteria - and that's barely scratching the surface of it.

For millions of years, the ancestral canine diet was high in protein and fat. Wolves, who are the ancestors of dogs, maintain a 1.2:1 protein-to-fat ratio on average. This suggests that dogs are naturally adapted to a high-protein, high-fat diet.

Studies have shown that dogs can handle extremely high levels of saturated fat without any negative effect on heart health. This means that you don't have to worry about giving your dog too much fat, contrary to mainstream advice.

Dogs on High protein diets are associated with lower levels of inflammation throughout the body. By keeping protein and fat levels high in their food, you can limit carbohydrates to the minimum levels necessary for optimal function.

Step 2: Limit Carbohydrates to 25%

Many people wrongly believe that all calories are the same. The industry secret is that all carbohydrates are simply chains of sugar molecules. They are responsible for activating different hormones and biochemical pathways throughout the body. 

For example, 400 calories of protein and fat have minimal impact on blood glucose, whereas 400 calories from sugar would cause a dangerous insulin spike response within your dog. Overindulging in carbohydrates can cause chronic inflammation.

Given their high content of vitamin and minerals, as well as their contribution to increasing microbiome diversity, carbohydrates are needed in your dogs diet - but in moderation. According to internal research, we discovered the perfect balance.

By keeping your dogs net carbohydrates below 25% of their food on a dry matter basis, chronic inflammation risk is eliminated. It also mitigates obesity, diabetes, and hormone imbalances that lead to a shorter, unhealthy, and unhappy life.

This balance perfectly coincides with macronutrient targets for your dogs diet. Nutrient-dense and natural dog food is composed of 10% minerals, 5% fiber, 25% carbohydrates, 30% protein, and 30% fat - thus, achieving The Cocomega Effect™.

Step 3: Balance Cocomega Superfats to 35%

To support your dog with a history of inflammatory health conditions, leading vets recommend that 35% of their dietary fats consist of Cocomega superfats.

These Cocomega superfats are comprised of a blend of coconut oil and omega-3s. The optimal proportion is 5:1, to achieve the full benefits of The Cocomega Effect™.

From clinical research, 1.5% of the superfat must come from DHA-rich fish oil, to ensure the other beneficial fatty acids present in coconut oil are also incorporated.

In order to maintain the necessary Cocomega amounts of MCT's and omega-3s in your dogs diet, coconut oil should make up 30% of the fats, and omega-3s at 5%.

So, if your dogs total fat intake is 30%, approximately 7.5% of those calories should come from coconut oil, and 1.5% from fish oil. See below for a breakdown.

Step 4: Achieve a 1:1 Omega Balance

The right balance of omega-3 fatty acids and omega-6 fatty acids are both essential nutrients for your dogs nutrition to live a long, happy, and healthy life.

Due to internal testing and clinical research, the optimal balance of omega-3s and omega-6s is a 1:1 ratio, to reduce chronic inflammation for your furry friend.

The AAFCO guidelines (which 99.9% of dog food brands follow) set a recommended ratio of 1:30, which is 30x less! Stay away from those highly inflammatory cocktails.

By incorporating a diet that is rich in ALA and DHA form omega-3 fatty acids from Salmon oil and fish oil, your dog has significant microbiome benefits. 

Since dogs come in every shape, size, and breed, there is no one-size-fits-all. However, here is a general feeding guideline to stay in near-perfect omega balance.

Step 5: Feed The Microbiome With Fiber

After improving your dogs microbiome from the previous sections, the last step is to feed the good bacteria by adding the right amount of soluble and insoluble fiber.

Soluble fiber will be converted in short-chain-fatty-acids (SCFAs) by your dogs microbiome, amplifying The Cocomega Effect, producing further synergistic benefits.

Insoluble fiber is also beneficial even if not directly related to fat absorption, by promoting healthy bowel movements, avoiding potential diarrhea or constipation.

Just 5% of your dogs diet should be fiber, splitting it evenly between soluble and insoluble fiber, see below for a breakdown depending on their weight.

The 5-in-1 Cocomega Activating Kibble

By putting the 5-step superfat plan into practice, you can eliminate their ailments at the source, completely transforming the health of your dog in 21 days or less. 

It is impossible for your dog to live as long, healthy, and happy as it could be, if they are eating dried kibble, due to the highly inflammatory ingredients and processing.

Likewise, if you decide for your doggy to eat a purely raw diet, they will be deprived the life they deserve due to dangerous vitamin and nutrient deficiencies.

If you're interested in the activating The Cocomega Effect from the 5-step superfat plan, but feel overwhelmed at the complexity - leave it to the experts at Yumwoof!

Don't deprive your furry friend (or yourself) of the most convenient, cost effective, and catch-all solution to a lifetime of chronic inflammation problems.

We strongly urge dog parents not to delay - many owners come to us too late, when their dog is in their final days, and expect a rapid recovery and turnaround...

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Introducing this anti-inflammatory diet for your dog will be exciting, however we will start gradually over a period of 7 days, to give their digestive system time to adjust.

During this transitional period, it's essential as a dog parent to keep a close eye on their behavior and digestion, ensuring a smooth transition for sensitive stomachs.

Yumwoof is vet-approved and chef cooked specifically catered to your dogs breed, problems, goals, size, preferences, allergies, and everything in between.

By reading this far, you've proven that you're committed to the health, happiness, and longevity of your furry friend, so we're giving you 30% OFF for the first 7 days.

We're so confident our food will yield tail-wagging results, if you don't see noticeable improvements in their health or well-being in 21 days, we'll send your money back.

Take the quiz and customize your order unique to your furry friend, then claim your exclusive 30% OFF 7 day trial offer, by clicking the button below!

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