Best homemade food for nursing dogs
When your dog is nursing, the mom and her puppies can benefit from feeding the mother a fresh homemade dog food diet. Here are some guidelines we recommend to maximize the quality of her nutrition during this period.
All of these recommendations can be met with Perfect Dog Food Mix recipes too.
Feed them with good fat
Fats are a source of energy for dogs, but they also help to absorb the nutrients in food. Fats can be found in many foods—not just fatty cuts of meat, but also dairy products and eggs, for example.
Fat is essential to your dog's health—it helps dogs absorb vitamins A, D and E from their food. It’s also a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, which are great for heart health!
If you're wondering how much fat your dog should eat in total each day: anywhere between 10-30% is recommended by experts.
Feed them with good protein
Protein is important for your dog. It's one of the most prevalent nutrients in their bodies, and it helps them build muscle mass, maintain moisture levels in their skin and hair, regulate hormones, and form strong bones. There are plenty of good sources of protein out there: chicken, beef, fish—you name it!
Unfortunately, dogs can't eat just any kind of protein (or any food at all). They need to be eating high-quality foods that are chock-full of natural ingredients instead of processed junk with fake flavors and fillers. And they also need to avoid foods that have too much fat since excess fat is not good for them either (just like humans).
Give them more water (and more often)
If you're giving your dog homemade food, you may want to be sure he has extra water to help with digestion and hydration. Dogs need more water than people do, so this is especially important for nursing dogs who might be eating less than usual and not drinking as much as they should.
The water helps with digestion by lubricating the digestive tract and making it easier for food to move through. It also helps flush out waste products in the body that wouldn't otherwise get out of our bodies if we didn't have enough fluids available. Water also helps maintain urination—without enough fluid in your system, there won't be enough urine to expel all of the toxins out with each pee session (this means more frequent trips outside). Finally (and maybe most importantly), good old H2O can prevent dehydration which can lead to kidney problems over time!
Avoid toxic food for your dogs
Avoid foods that are toxic to dogs.
Avoid chocolate.
Avoid raisins, grapes and their seeds, onions, macadamia nuts and avocado (it’s the toxin that causes an allergic reaction). Alcohol toxicosis can occur in dogs after they ingest large amounts of alcohol.
Making your own dog food with good ingredients is the best way to ensure they'll get the right nutrition.
It's not just your dog's health that will benefit from homemade dog food. You can also reduce the amount of salt and sugar you use, which will help you to avoid the build-up of these substances in their system. Probiotics can also be added to homemade dog food, which will help with digestion and reduce bloating.
To make your own homemade food for your pup, follow these simple steps:
Make sure all ingredients are fresh (or at least as fresh as possible).
Measure out appropriate portions of ingredients so they'll be easier to mix together later on. For example, if you're making tuna salad for both yourself and Fido then don't put too much mayo or tuna in one bowl!
Mix together all ingredients using clean hands or a spoon (if needed). If there are any large chunks left over then try cutting them down into smaller pieces before mixing everything else together again until everything looks well blended together again! This step might take more time depending on how many different types of foods are being prepared at once but it doesn't need too much effort since most recipes only require about 10 minutes worth at most per serving size so there won’t be much work involved here either way!
Now that you know some of the best foods for dogs, it's time to get started. It can be challenging at first, but if you stick with it and keep providing your pup with tasty treats and good nutrition, it will soon become second nature. When all else fails, remember that there are plenty of commercial options available so don't feel bad about using them!